has worked since its inception in 1985, by Paul Seed and Ken Kalopsis, on a variety of products, the IT professionals to make life a bit easier. Under the motto "Hard-to-find made easy" are available both the latest technologies, as well as older products and those who serve as a bridge between old and new. sees itself as a mediator to help you find the products that you really need. The success of the company is the world not only in more than 3,000 products, but also on the basis of more than 30,000 active partners. As Central is headquartered in London ON, Canada, with offices also in Lockbourne OH, USA and Northampton, GB exist.



In this area you get any additional accessories, suitable for signal generation, measurement switching or conversion features. In addition to extenders to extend the range therefore simple converters are available to eg. To operate a VGA monitor, the DisplayPort connector. In addition, already provides some adapters for the new USB-C connection.


If you want to install a new component in the used PC or connect new peripherals to the notebook, one finds quite often that the correct cable is missing. therefore provides virtually all possible types of cables prepared by Thunderbolt 3 adapter via SATA drive cables to modules for structured cabling. Of course, this is just the range of USB cables and adapters particularly large.

Server Management

Especially in the server room meet many requirements with which offers a variety of products. Whether rack mounting rails, KVM consoles or entire server racks, you get everything from one source. This will ensure the correct ventilation, low downtime and ideal protection of your systems. A quick and effective problem solving in case of error is also given by the manufacturer.


Storage drives, there are today in different variations, so provides here an equally wide range of accessories. Drive enclosure for end users and HDD docking stations for administrators to quickly restore important data are just two examples. Various adapters for memory cards and the connection of drives you are available as well.

expansion cards

To customize your own desktop PC to current requirements, can often PCI or PCI Express expansion card from serve. These offer more USB ports, eSATA ports, or serve as a sound card. In addition, older parallel and serial ports can be used in current systems.
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