Information about Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Waste)

Information about Electrical and Electronic Waste

The following information is intended for private households that use electrical and/or electronic devices. Please note this important information in the interest of environmentally-friendly disposal of old devices and your own safety.

1. Information about the disposal of electrical waste and the meaning of the symbol according to Annex 3 of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG):

Owners of old devices must dispose of them separately from unsorted municipal waste. Therefore, electrical and electronic waste must not be disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, and in particular not with household waste. Rather, these old devices must be collected separately and disposed of through local collection and return systems.

Owners of old devices must also separate old batteries and accumulators that are not enclosed within the old device, as well as lamps that can be removed from the old device without damage, before they are handed over to a collection point. This does not apply if the old devices are separated for the purpose of preparing them for reuse of other old devices in accordance with Section 14(4), sentence 4, or Section 14(5), sentences 2 and 3 of the ElektroG by public waste disposal authorities as part of the opt-in procedure.

Owners can identify old devices that must be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste at the end of their life cycle by the symbol according to Annex 3 of the ElektroG. The symbol for the separate collection of electrical and electronic equipment depicts a waste bin with wheels crossed out and is designed as follows:


2. Information about the possibility of returning old devices for end users:

End users as owners of old devices have the following options for returning them:

a) Return/pick-up when purchasing a new device and delivery to a private household

When you conclude a purchase contract with us for a new electrical or electronic device, you have the option of returning an old device of the same type that essentially fulfils the same functions as the new device, free of charge.

If the place of delivery is your private household, the return will be made by free pick-up. For this purpose, you can hand over an old device of the same type with essentially the same functions to the transporting company delivering the new device.

If the new device is sold exclusively using remote communication methods (Section 312c(2) of the German Civil Code (BGB)), the following restrictions apply:

  • The free collection of an old appliance of the same device type and function only takes place if it is a device of category 1 (heat exchangers), 2 (screens, monitors, devices with screens with a surface area of more than 100 square centimeters) and/or 4 (large appliances, where at least one of the external dimensions is more than 50 centimeters).
  • If, instead, it is an old device of categories 3, 5 and/or 6, free collection will not take place, and instead point b) below applies for free return.

An overview of the device categories and the devices covered can be found here:

b) Return when purchasing a new device and delivery elsewhere/Return of small appliances

When concluding a purchase contract with us for a new electrical appliance that is not delivered to the private household, and when distributing a new device of categories 3, 5 and/or 6 exclusively using means of distance communication (§ 312c para. 2 of the German Civil Code) with delivery to the private household, there is the possibility of returning an old appliance of the same device type that essentially performs the same functions as the new device free of charge.

The same possibility exists independently of the purchase of a new electrical or electronic device for old devices that are not larger than 25 centimeters in any external dimension. In this case, the possibility of return by the end user is limited to 3 old devices per device type.

When distributing exclusively using means of distance communication (§ 312c para. 2 of the German Civil Code) under the above-mentioned conditions, the return is made

  • of old devices of categories 3, 5 and/or 6
  • of old devices that are not larger than 25 centimeters in any external dimension,

through suitable return options at a reasonable distance from the respective end user.

Otherwise, the return will take place at the place of delivery or in the immediate vicinity thereof.

To fulfill our obligations, we have created the following return options: You can deliver your old device, which is not larger than 25 centimeters in any external dimension, free of charge to our warehouse at, Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9, 86156 Augsburg, by appointment by e-mail to us. If you do not live in our vicinity, please notify us by e-mail. We will also inform you by e-mail about nearby return points in your area.

c) Other return options

Owners of old equipment from private households can also hand in the old equipment at the collection points of the public waste disposal authorities or at the return points set up by manufacturers or distributors in accordance with the ElektroG. An online directory of collection and return points can be found here:

3. Data protection notice

Old equipment to be disposed of may contain sensitive personal data (such as on a PC or smartphone) that must not fall into the hands of third parties.

We expressly point out that end users of old equipment are responsible for deleting personal data on the old equipment to be disposed of.

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