JDS Uniphase

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JDS Uniphase

The company JDS Uniphase was mainly known for network components in the glass fiber sector. The head office was in Milpitas, California, USA, with a total of around 5,100 employees working at the manufacturer in around 80 branches worldwide in 2015.

Often, JDS Uniphase was also briefly referred to as JDSU. In 2015, it was split into two separate companies. This resulted in Viavi Solutions and Lumentum Holdings. Above all, you will receive used GBICs for quickly retrofitting a fiber optic connection to the server, switch, router or another end device.

If you are looking for an SFP module, you should also take a look at JDS Uniphase's products, as they convince with their high quality of workmanship and sophisticated technologies. Ultimately, you can achieve a high data rate over long distances with the GBIC modules. This may be necessary, for example, as you expand your premises and add new buildings to be integrated into the existing network without sacrificing performance.
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